Items by Nopporn Chotikakamthorn

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Number of items: 67.


1. On-Chain Verifiable Credential with Applications in Education
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn


2. Using Mozilla Hubs for Online Teaching: A Case Study of An Innovation Design Method Course
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Article | 2023 | Proceedings of the 17th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics

3. Analysis and Design of Collaborative STEM Learning Based on a 2D Virtual Environment in Teacher Team Delivery
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Article | 2022 | NU. International Journal of Science

4. Assessing the Effectiveness of Smartphone Usage to Interact with Learning Materials in Independent Learning Outside of Classrooms among Undergraduate Students
Vongjaturapat, Sununthar, Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Yimyam, Panitnat

Type: Article | 2021 | Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems

5. Performance study of input devices for generating writing with drawing tasks in written exams-a comparison between handwriting and typing devices
Vongjaturapat, Sununthar and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Article | 2020 | Journal of Science and Technology Mahasarakham University

6. Query decomposition method for multi‐keyword search in P2P systems
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Jitnupong, Tanapon

Type: Article | 2015 | Electronics Letters

7. Analysis of Factor Influencing the Tablet Acceptance for Library Information Services: A Combination of UTAUT and TTF Model
Vongjaturapat, Sununthar, Chaveesuk, Singha, Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Tongkhambanchong, Sakesan

Type: Article | 2015 | Journal of Information & Knowledge Management

8. Using tangible user interfaces in computer-based training systems for low-functioning autistic children
Sitdhisanguan, Karanya, Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn, Dechaboon, Ajchara and Out, Patcharaporn

Type: Article | 2012 | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing

9. เทคนิคการประมวลผลภาพและการตรวจจับคุณลักษณะสำคัญเพื่อการวินิจฉัยความเสียหายบนจานฮาร์ดดิสก์
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Kanyamee, Kanokwan

Type: Article | 2010 | วารสารวิชาการด้านวิทยาการสารสนเทศและเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ

10. Alternative formulation of Bayesian-based digital matting technique
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Article | 2006 | Electronics Letters

11. IQML algorithm for multiple signal parameter estimation
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and A.Chambers, Jonathon

Type: Article | 1997 | IEE Proceedings - Radar, Sonar and Navigation

Conference or Workshop Item

1. Blockchain-based Learning Credential Revision and Revocation Method
San, Aye Mi, Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Sathitwiriyawong, Chanboon

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2020 | SIGITE '20: The 21st Annual Conference on Information Technology Education

2. Affordable Proctoring Method for Ad-hoc Off-campus Exams
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Tassanaprasert, Supawan

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2020 | SIGITE '20: The 21st Annual Conference on Information Technology Education

3. Affordable Proctoring Method for Ad-hoc Off-campus Exams
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Tassanaprasert, Supawan

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2020 | Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on Information Technology Education (SIGITE 2020)

4. Blockchain-based Learning Credential Verification System with Recipient Privacy Control
San, Aye Mi, Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Sathitwiriyawong, Chanboon

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2019 | 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education (TALE)

5. Handsfree interactive music game development with motion sensing technology
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn, Kulthamyouthin, Peeraphon, Huachai, Panuwat and Moodleah, Samart

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2018 | The 13th International Conference on Knowledge,Information and Creativity Suppy Systems (KICSS 2018)

6. Interactive public display using mobile web client
Pattanakimhun, Patchara, Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Chinthammit, Winyu

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2017 | 2017 9th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE)

7. Enhanced engagement with public displays through mobile phone interaction
Pattanakimhun, Patchara, Chinthammit, Winyu and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2017 | SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Mobile Graphics & Interactive Applications

8. Evaluation of mobile phone interaction with large public displays
Pattanakimhun, Patchara, Chinthammit, Winyu and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2017 | 2017 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE)

9. Handwriting rearrangement for Thai calligraphy
Tonmaithong, Karun, Annanab, Supawan and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2016 | 2016 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE)

10. Near point light source location estimation from shadow edge correspondence
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2015 | 2015 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM)

11. Near Light Source Location Estimation Using Illumination of A Diffused Planar Background
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2014 | 22nd European Signal Processing Conference

12. Analysis of factors influencing the mobile technology acceptance for library information services: Conceptual model
Chaveesuk, Singha, Vongjaturapat, Sununthar and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2013 | 2013 International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE)

13. An efficient P2P searching and indexing strategy for multi-keyword query
Jitnupong, Tanapon and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2013 | 2013 5th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST)

14. Multiple Directional Light Sousrces Estimation from Multi-View Images
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Bunteong, Anusorn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2012 | International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems,Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2012)

15. การรู้จำภาษามือไทยแบบต่อเนื่องโดยใช้แบบจาลองภาษาไบแกรม
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Jirapatchandej, Siraset

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2010 | The 3rd National Conference on Information Technology: "IT Innovation for Global Awareness" (NCIT 2010)

16. Alpha channel digital image watermarking method
Pantuwong, Natapon and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008 | 2008 9th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2008)

17. Evaluation the Efficacy of Computer - Based Training Using Tangible User Interface for Low-Function Children with Autism
Sitdhisanguan, Karanya, Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn, Dechaboon, Ajchara and Out, Patcharaporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008 | 2008 Second IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning

18. Fast Haptic Simulation of Brittle Object using Bounded Force Propagation Model
Somrang, Nontapol, Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Jirapatchandej, Siraset

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008 | 2008 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT)

19. A Hierachical-Based Digital Watermark Inspection System for Intenet Viceo Publishing Service
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and ม้ายอุเทศ, อิทธิโชค

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2008 | The 31st Electrical Engineering Conference (EECON-31)

20. Comparative study of WIMP and tangible user interfaces in training shape matching skill for autistic children
Sitdhisanguan, Karanya, Dechaboon, Ajchara, Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Out, Patcharaporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2007 | TENCON 2007 - 2007 IEEE Region 10 Conference

21. Line watermark embedding method for affine transformed images
Pantuwong, Natapon and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2007 | 2007 9th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Applications (ISSPA)

22. Performance of Bayesian-based digital matting techniques
Cumpim, Chaipichit and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2007 | 2007 9th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Applications (ISSPA)

23. Direct Manipulation of 3D Curves with Pseudo-Physical Simulation Model
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Pitchaichanlert, Pathawut

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2007 | ECTI-CON 2007

24. Continous Thai Sign Language Recognition Using HMM with Transition Models
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Jaruwanarat, Arunee

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2007 | ECTI-CON 2007

25. A Joint Controller-Simulator Programming by Demonstration Method for PLC Devices
Changsakol, Phissanu, Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Wongwirat, Olarn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2006 | 2006 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems

26. Interactive Haptic Simulation of Dental Plaque Removal
Somrang, Nontapol and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2006 | 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies

27. An Adaptive Buffer Control using Moving Average Smoothing Technique for Haptic Media Synchronization
Wongwirat, Olarn, Ohara, Shigeyuki and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2005 | 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics

28. A Light-Pointing Method for Virtual Object Selection and Manioulation in A Monoscopic Viewing System
Kanjanasupark, Pornchai and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2005 | 2005 5th International Conference on Information Communications & Signal Processing

29. An interatvie stereoscopic viewing system using fast vision-based leg end-point position estimation
Putpuek, Narongsak and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2005 | Eighth International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Applications, 2005.

30. Projective-invariant digital image watermarking technique using four co-planar feature points
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn, Pantuwong, Natapon and Yawai, Wiyada

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2005 | 2005 International Conference on Image Processing

31. Attacks on feature-based affine-invariant watermarking methods
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Pantuwong, Natapon

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2005 | The Fifth International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT'05)

32. Comparative Study of Two Projective-Invariant Digital Watermarking Methods Using Cross-Ratios and Line Intersections
Pantuwong, Natapon and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2005 | The Fifth International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT'05)

33. Efficient Perspective-Invariant Digital Watermarking Algorithm
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Pantuwong, Natapon

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2005 | The 20th Commemorative International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2005)

34. A Computer Generated Replay of a Bowling Ball Trajectory with Arbitrary Viewpoint
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn, Patatako, Pairat, Jindalertudomdee, Preeyapa and Pantuwong, Natapon

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2005 | The 20th Commemorative International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2005)

35. Digital Watermarking Technique for Projective-Distorted Images Using Collinear Points
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn, Pantuwong, Natapon and Yawai, Wiyada

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2005 | 13 th European Signal Processing Conference

36. A Low-cost Vision-based Leg Tracking Algorithm for an Interactive Stereoscopic System
Wongwirat, Olarn, Putpuek, Narongsak, Pantuwong, Natapon and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2005 | The 20th Commemorative International Technical Conf.on Circuitl/System, Computers and Communication (ITC-CSCC 2005)

37. Improved dynamic gesture segmentation for Thai sign language translation
Werapan, Worawit and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2004 | Proceedings 7th International Conference on Signal Processing, 2004. Proceedings. ICSP '04. 2004.

38. Location invariant features for relative hand position classification
Eungprasert, Surawej and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2004 | Proceedings 7th International Conference on Signal Processing, 2004. Proceedings. ICSP '04. 2004.

39. A Fast Vision-based Head Tracking Method for Interactive Stereoscopic Viewing
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Putpuek, Narongsak

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2004 | Conf.Control,Automation,and System, 2004 (ICCAS 2004)

40. Digital Watermarking Technique for Images with Perpective Distortion
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Putpuek, Narongsak

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2004 | Conf.Control,Automation,and System, 2004 (ICCAS 2004)

41. Artificial Neural Network for Quantitative Posture Classification in Thai Sign Language Translation System
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Wasanapongpan, Kumpol

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2004 | Conf.Control,Automation,and System, 2004 (ICCAS 2004)

42. Hybrid HMM for Transitional Gesture Classification in Thai Sign Language Translation
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Jaruwanawat, Arunee

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2004 | Conf.Control,Automation,and System, 2004 (ICCAS 2004)

43. Posture-based Human Interface Technique for 3D Graphics Modeling
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Kanjanasupark, Pornchai

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2004 | The 1st ECTI Annual Conference (ECTI-CON 2004)

44. Absolute Location Invariant Features for Hand Posture Recognition
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Eungprasert, Surawej

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2004 | The 1st ECTI Annual Conference (ECTI-CON 2004)

45. A Fast Retrain Neural Network Using a Parallel Multi-layer Perceptron for Thai Sign Language Recognition
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Wasanapongpan, Kumphol

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2003 | The Third International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT2003)

46. Improved Watermarking Technique with High Embedding Capacity for Image Annotation
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2003 | The Third International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT2003)

47. Resolving Absolute Lacation Ambiguities in Automated Sign Language Translation Using 6-DOF Tracker (การแก้ปัญหาความคลุมเคลือของตำแหน่ง ในระบบการแปลภาษามืออัตโนมัติโดยใช้6-DOF ของ Tracker)
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Eungprasert, Surawej

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2002 | 25th Electrical Engineering Conf. (EECON-25) (การประชุมวิชาการทางวิศวกรรมไฟฟ้า ครั้งที่ 25)

48. Gesture Segmentation Technique for Thai Sign Language Translation
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Werapan, Worawit

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2002 | International Symposium on Communications and Information Technology (ISCIT 2002)

49. Printed Hypermedia Using Digital Watermarking Techniques
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Kultrerattanarom, Siwaporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2002 | International Conference on Information Technology & Applications (ICITA 2002)

50. Multinodal Synchronization for Human-Machine Interaction in Virtual Environment
Wongwirat, Olarn, Ohara, Shigeyuki and Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2002 | International Conference on Information Technology & Applications (ICITA 2002)

51. Integer Programming-based Maximum Likelihood Method for OFDM Parameter Estimation
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Chitpinityon, Nudcharee

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2002 | 2002 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems Computers and Communications

52. Incremental-based Digital Signature with Neighbouring Block Similarity Measure for Video Authentication
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Kultangwattana, Wilaiporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2002 | 2002 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems Computers and Communications

53. Partial Image Authentication by Digital Watermarking
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2001 | ISCIT 2001

54. A Robust DCT-based Watermarking fo Still Image with 2D Binary Digital Watermarks
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn, Thitimajshima, Y., Thitimajshima, ‪Punya and Rangsanseri, Yuttapong

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 2001 | ISCIT 2001

55. On identifiability of OFDM blind channel estimation
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn and Suzuki, Hiroshi

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Gateway to 21st Century Communications Village. VTC 1999-Fall. IEEE VTS 50th Vehicular Technology Conference (Cat. No.99CH36324)

56. Document image data hiding technique using character spacing width sequence coding
Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn

Type: Conference or Workshop Item | 1999 | Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'99)

This list was generated on 2025-02-09 17:39:03