Performance Measurement of Energy Optimal Path Finding for Waste Collection Robot Using ACO Algorithm





Tomitagawa, Koki, Anuntachai, Anuntapat, Chotipant, Supannada, Wongwirat, Olarn and Kuchii, Shigeru (2022) Performance Measurement of Energy Optimal Path Finding for Waste Collection Robot Using ACO Algorithm IEEE Access, 10., 117261-117272.


Indoor waste collection that utilizes mobile robots can solve the labor cost and manpower shortage but has the problem of limited energy resources, making it difficult to operate for long periods of time. Therefore, it is important to reduce the energy consumption for efficient waste collection. The waste collection robot can be modeled as a Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP), where heuristics algorithms can be deployed to search for the most energy-efficient path. This paper proposes the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm for finding the optimal path of the waste collection robot. Energy consumption of the robot depends not only on the travel path but also on the weight of the waste it carries. Therefore, the proposed ACO algorithm utilizes the path distance and waste weight as the visibility. The travel distance and energy consumption are also used to determine the updated pheromone. Whereas the conventional and adapted ACO algorithms use only either the path distance or the waste weight as the visibility, respectively. The simulation experiments are conducted to compare the travel distance and the energy consumption that the waste collection robot takes by using the conventional, adapted, and proposed ACO algorithms. In the simulation experiments, the number of nodes, the waste weight, and the carrying capacity are used as parameters to verify the performance under the determined environment. The simulation results express that the proposed ACO algorithm provides a better energy optimal path in terms of travel distance and energy consumption than the conventional and adapted ACO algorithms.

Item Type:


Identification Number (DOI):


Subjects > Computer Science > Artificial Intelligence

Subjects > Computer Science > Computational Complexity

Subjects > Computer Science > Performance

Subjects > Computer Science > Robotics

Deposited by:

Olarn Wongwirat

Date Deposited:

2022-11-03 10:43:15

Last Modified:

2023-05-26 07:09:53

Impact and Interest:
