Active Learning Support System For E-Learning





Nalintippayawong, Srinual, Seelid, Preeyarat and Mangkorn, Nathapath (2019) Active Learning Support System For E-Learning In: National Conference on Informatics (NCIs 2019), 25-26 June 2019, Walailak University.


Nowadays, educational institutions tend to adopt an e-learning system because learners can easily access learning content and the system can support personalized learning. Teachers can flexibly create various teaching materials. E-Learning supports teaching and learning more efficiently. The Faculty of Information Technology, KMITL, has developed an e-learning system namely "DBLearn" for a database system course, in which the system has a course management system (CMS) for managing contents and practices, and a learning management system (LMS) for student learning. However, it did not completely support the "Active Learning" approach, which is a child center and interaction of learners, therefore this research aims to develop an active learning support system namely "BrainBoard" for integrating with the existing e-learning system. The system was created using the concept of educational philosophy as a framework for system development, including Active learning, Cooperative learning, Jigsaw learning, Brainstorming, and Problem-based learning. As a result, we presented a system prototype for those interested in developing e-learning systems in accordance with such educational concepts to achieve effective learning as expected.

Item Type:

Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)


E-learning, Active Learning, Brainstorming, Problem-Based, Jigsaw Learning


Subjects > Computer Science > Computers and Society

Subjects > Computer Science > Software Engineering

Deposited by:

Srinual Nalintipwong

Date Deposited:

2022-01-14 20:41:38

Last Modified:

2022-02-08 23:23:01

Impact and Interest:
