Recurrent kernel online sequential extreme learning machine with kernel adaptive filter for time series prediction





Liu, Zongying, Loo, Chu Kiong and Pasupa, Kitsuchart (2017) Recurrent kernel online sequential extreme learning machine with kernel adaptive filter for time series prediction In: 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2017-11-27, Honolulu, HI.


This paper proposes a novel recurrent multi-steps-prediction model call Recurrent Kernel Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine with Surprise Criterion (SC-RKOS-ELM). This model combines the strengths of Kernel Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine (KOS-ELM), the characteristics of surprise criterion and advantages of recurrent multi-steps-prediction algorithm to unleash the restriction of prediction horizon and reduce the computation complexation of the learning part. In the experiment, we employ two synthetic and two real-world data sets, including Mackey-Glass, Lorenz, palm oil price and water level in Thailand, to evaluate Recurrent Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine (ROS-ELM) and Recurrent Kernel Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine with Fixed-budget Criterion (FB-RKOS-ELM). The results of experiments indicate that SC-RKOS-ELM has the superior predicting ability in all data sets than others.

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Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)

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Date Deposited:

2021-09-09 23:53:44

Last Modified:

2021-10-04 21:56:14

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